Friday, December 30, 2011


Here's the beginning of a new story I think I might write. I really don't know where it is going so please give me some ideas:)

The air was startlingly cold. The wind slapped my face as I ran towards the woods. They couldn't
get me now. I ran as fast as I could, yet I could still see their torches blazing behind me. I had to outrun them; I had to escape. I reached the woods and now the prison was but a small mound in the distance. I tripped over a fallen branch and lost my footing. I slammed into the ground with a loud and painful thud. They’ll get me now. I’m dead! I thought. But the mob simply stopped at the woods and stood there, their torches ardent. After a few lingering moments they walked away, slowly and with defeat.
I took a deep breath of relief. Their fear of the woods had kept them from finding me. I was safe.
For now...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Epic on a new level of Epicness

Again, I forget about the blog frequently...
But I have some updates!
I am *still* first chair in my middle school band:)
(for now at least...) and am on winter break for AYS (Athens Youth Symphony) and school.
The AYS concert was epic on a whole new level of epicness!! I had a HUMONGO solo but it turned out okay. The concert was...again, epic...and different. It reminded me why I write and gave me some inspiration. This concluding to me winning my school's literary magazine poem contest (yay!).
I recently tried out for GMEA district 13 (ahhh! Hunger Games) district/honor band. I made 12th chair honor band in the toughest district in the state (includes Atlanta). I also participated in UGA's MidFest and had a blast.
Now I'm just waiting for GMEA All-State band tryouts and for AYSVto start back!!
Hej då:)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Epic Failure! Haven't posted in FOREVER!

Wow, I haven't posted in forever!!
Well, I still have first chair in band (one goal down so far...!)
I am continuing to write, just not as frequently as in the past...
I am now in Athens youth Symphony and it is awesome:))
I'll post again soon (maybe a poem!)
Hej då!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

No Ideas

Not a single long-forgotten idea
Or a considered thought from years past
I yearn to hear the scratch of a pencil
The flipping of a page
I yearn to feel the calluses from many words written
To feel aching in my fingers
I yearn to see my untidy scrawl
To see ink blots on my hands
But I am empty
No ideas...

Wow, I wanna write so bad I wrote a poem about having no ideas. This is a pretty bad poem...but I was writing on the spot!

The beginning...

Yes, this is the beginning...
Welcome to my rather boring blog! But there will be more details added! I've done as much as an iPod allows you to do!
I intend to try to post some of my writing and tell where I am going with it
But mostly I would like to post about where I am going with my musical career:)
Well, for you non-band geeks out there I know you just completely lost interest at "musical career"
Don't give up on me yet!!
The writer in me will make things interesting...
I tend to exaggerate and be sarcastic:)
But enough about that, I have absolutely NO ideas in my head for stories!!
Can y'all give me title nsmesvthat sound cool and I can build off that!
Hej då!!

Update....& a Warning

Okay, so those of you who don't already know I play flute and piccolo in my school band (hints the name:)
I am also first chair.
But that is not good enough for me. Well, obviously I can't go professional in middle school but I still have some high goals.
Here they are:
1. maintain first chair throughout the school year.
2. make district honor band (possibly first chair)
3. make allstate band (possibly first chair if I really work at it:)

So, you are probably wondering about the warning...
I warn you ahead of time, I will post things in Swedish.
I am not from Sweden but have Swedish ancestry and I an trying to learn the language. Here are son basic translations for you:

Hello- hej
Goodbye- hej då
Very good- vad trevligt
Greetings- hälsningen
Welcome- välkommen
Good morning- god morgon
Good night- god natt
How are you?- hur mår du
Good evening- god kväll

Well, hej då!